Life Beyond the Gang
Gang prevention goes far beyond anything that may be missing in a home. Self-esteem, societal pressures, stress, and anger management are entwined with any other family issues that may be going on to exasperate the situation.
At Centered On Youth, (COY) we focus on empowering and educating anyone willing to listen. There is hope and a solution and it’s not found within the pages of a text book. It’s found in the hearts of the ones that lived and walked away from the gang lifestyle to a life free of the debilitating gang influence.
That is the harsh reality of what COY has to offer that is unlike traditional programs. We lived the life on both sides of the spectrum and we can candidly speak about what others have no knowledge of. We are the example of what intervention can do and the future of a life outside of adversity has to offer.
We utter an emboldened message of hope and possibilities and a future untarnished by difficulty and poor decisions. We’re able to reach out and down if necessary and pull up our young people to a higher standard and a life worth living.
The answer is available and we make certain our young people know there is a better way. There’s hope and yes, there’s a future that is far beyond anything they could have imagined.
We are the voices of the men and women that are compelled to intervene and show our youth that there is a future and a hope and that with hard work and a plan we can help them navigate to a better tomorrow. There is life beyond the gang and a beautiful life at that!